Edwin Markham

Outwitted by Edwin Markham
He drew a circle that shut me out -
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout,
But Love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle and took him in!

sábado, 20 de agosto de 2016

Thoughts from a dual citizen

I recently read on Jonathan Huegel's Facebook:

The Ryan Lockte incident just highlights a sense of American entitlement felt by many in the world. It isn't everyone but unfortunately this has been the case too often. And, also unfortunately, this attitude started with the US government. Here is just a quick summary of the US involvement in Latin America: Mexico (1845 Mexican American war, 1911 coup plotted in the American Embassy, 1914 marines invade Veracruz), Nicaragua (1980s supporting the contra rebels), Guatemala (1954 coup d'état), Chile (1973 coup to overthrow the rightfully elected government), Brazil (1964 coup), Panama (1901 Panama rebellion against Colombia and the canal), Haiti, Puerto Rico, The Dominican Republic, Honduras, Columbia (1898-1934 the Banana Wars), El Salvador (1979 supporting the rebels through Argentina), Argentina (1976 coup), Paraguay (1954 coup and support of the dictatorship), Uruguay, (1971 coup), and Cuba (1898-present) have all had the US involved heavily in their countries. As Porfirio Díaz aptly put it when talking about his country: "Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States." I'm thankful for the US but I'm also realistic that we have not always acted well towards other countries and people. ‪#‎monroedoctrine‬‪#‎musingsofadualcitizen‬

viernes, 19 de agosto de 2016

Edith Nesbit

“From Lazarus to Dives” 
(“Dives” is the name traditionally given to the rich man in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus in the Gospel of Luke)

We do not clamour for vengeance,
We do not whine for fear;
We have cried in the outer darkness
Where was no man to hear.
We cried to man and he heard not;
Yet we thought God heard us pray;
But our God, who loved and was sorry -
Our God is taken away.

Ours were the stream and the pasture,
Forest and fen were ours;
Ours were the wild wood-creatures,
The wild sweet berries and flowers.
You have taken our heirlooms from us,
And hardly you let us save
Enough of our woods for a cradle,
Enough of our earth for a grave.

You took the wood and the cornland,
Where still we tilled and felled;
You took the mine and quarry,
And all you took you held.
The limbs of our weanling children
You crushed in your mills of power;
And you made our bearing women toil
To the very bearing hour.

You have taken our clean quick longings,
Our joy in lover and wife,
Our hope of the sunset quiet
At the evening end of life;
You have taken the land that bore us,
Its soil and stone and sod;
You have taken our faith in each other -
And now you have taken our God.

When our God came down from Heaven
He came among men, a Man,
Eating and drinking and working
As common people can;
And the common people received Him
While the rich men turned away.
But what have we to do with a God
To whom the rich men pray?

He hangs, a dead God, on your altars,
Who lived a Man among men,
You have taken away our Lord
And we cannot find Him again.
You have not left us a handful
Of even the earth He trod . . .
You have made Him a rich man's idol
Who came as a poor man's God.

He promised the poor His heaven,
He loved and lived with the poor;
He said that the rich man's shadow
Should never darken His door:
But bishops and priests lie softly,
Drink full and are fully fed
In the Name of the Lord, who had not
Where to lay His head.

This is the God you have stolen,
As you steal all else--in His name.
You have taken the ease and the honour,
Left us the toil and the shame.
You have chosen the seat of Dives,
We lie where Lazarus lay;
But, by God, we will not yield you our God,
You shall not take Him away.

All else we had you have taken;
All else, but not this, not this.
The God of Heaven is ours, is ours,
And the poor are His, are His.
Is He ours? Is He yours? Give answer!
For both He cannot be.
And if He is ours--O you rich men,
Then whose, in God's name, are ye? 

lunes, 1 de agosto de 2016

Trip to Alaska

I finally finished putting together a video of the trip my Dad and I took to Alaska.  There are some glitches in the video because the program didn´t want to do the transitions for some reason, and I ran out of time to work them out.  But I hope you enjoy the beautiful vistas!
