Edwin Markham

Outwitted by Edwin Markham
He drew a circle that shut me out -
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout,
But Love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle and took him in!

lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014

Strategic planning at the Shalom Center

Dear Friends and Family,
For the last month or so, I have been working with the staff on the new strategic plan for the Shalom Center.  In 2015, the Shalom Center will be celebrating 15 years and the conclusion of the start up objectives.  There are many reasons to celebrate!  We have been evaluating and dreaming, sharing and remembering, and working hard to put our vision and mission together into one path ahead.  It is my pleasure to share with you with working draft.  Thanks to each of you who have made the Shalom Center possible!  Shalom, Elena

Strategic plan for the Shalom Center
Pentecostal Church of Chile

Motto of the Shalom Center:   A gathering place

Shalom Center vision:   The Shalom Center of the Pentecostal Church of Chile will be a place to renew relationships with God, self, others and nature.

Shalom Center mission:   Create a safe space through learning for transformation to facilitate peace education, environmental education and spiritual development in an integral way, and so strengthen the dignity and resilience of individuals and communities within the Pentecostal Church of Chile and society at the national and international levels.

Institutional values:
Faith for the Shalom Center is to believe in God, in the best in people, and in restorative processes.

Dignity for the Shalom Center is the inherent value of each person as God's creation.

Safe space at the Shalom Center is the commitment to create, respect and care for the community covenant.

Creativity  at the Shalom Center is the expression of the breath of God in individuals and groups.

Transformation in the Shalom Center is the invitation to healing and holistic development in people, groups and systems.

Theoretical framework: Reconciliation that leads to transformation to build Shalom.

Educational strategy:  Learning for transformation which is, according to the social constructivist model, an appreciative process whereby the methodology (experiential learning cycle), the relationships (healing and reconciliation), and the times/space (safe space) come together to reach desired changes.

General objectives from 2015 – 2030 (By area)

1.    Christian education: Promote the spiritual growth of each participant through the Christian disciplines such as Bible study, prayer and journaling so that, the desire to transform family, church and community flows from a rich and deep relationship with God.
2.    Peace education: Foster sustainable and holistic peace processes through trauma healing and conflict transformation that balance justice, truth, mercy and dignity.
3.    Environmental education: Open educational spaces to introduce people to the natural world propitiating a profound commitment with environmental care and promoting the healing of the relationship with God´s creation.
4.    Health and safety:  Generate spaces that foment holistic health in body, mind, spirit and relationships of the participants and staff.
5.    Capacity building:  Train the staff in all of the fundamental areas of the Shalom Center  so that through personal growth and self care, they will have the tools  to build the safe space for transformation and integral development with the participants and groups.

6.    International delegations and volunteers: Create a network to promote God´s shalom through international and intercultural gatherings and volunteer opportunities to propitiate the healing of relationships at personal, community and structural levels and the exchange of experiences and new learning.
7.     Art and Creativity:  Spread the institutional image of the Shalom Center in the social networks at the ecclesiastical, national and international level, create promotional materials for the Shalom Center programs and activities, design and produce educational and audio-visual materials, and promote activities that foster peace through diverse artistic expressions.
8.    Administration and organization: Install and maintain a trustworthy, transparent and organized institution at the service of our church and the community in general, delivering clear and reliable information, and contributing to decision making, staff appreciation, future projections.

Strategic Plan 2015 – 2030
Phase 1: Years 2015 – 2020 Placing the shalom table

Phase 2: Years 2020 - 2025 Invitation to the shalom feast

Phase 3:  Years 2025 -2030 Celebrating the shalom feast

1.  OBJETIVE Christian education: Promote the spiritual growth of each participant through the Christian disciplines such as Bible study, prayer and journaling so that, the desire to transform family, church and community flows from a rich and deep relationship with God.
1.    Prayer shawl retreats
2.    Trauma healing, resilience development Sunday School materials (in coordination with the Sunday School department of the Pentecostal Church of Chile.)
3.    Leadership course
4.    Re-create camps
5.    Marriage retreats
6.    Retreats for churches, pastors and pastor's kids

2. OBJECTIVE Peace education: Foster sustainable and holistic peace processes through trauma healing and conflict transformation that balance justice, truth, mercy and dignity.
1.    Conflict transformation workshops
2.    Mediacción: youth mediation course
3.    Roots in the ruins: hope in trauma courses
4.    Support for churches or communities that suffer some kind of trauma.

3. OBJETIVE Environmental education: Open educational spaces to introduce people to the natural world propitiating a profound commitment with environmental care and promoting the healing of the relationship with God´s creation.
  1. Develop and implement an interpretive trail
  2. Organic garden and tree farm (native species only)
  3. Creacción camps for elementary school children (Environmental education)
  4. International environmental education gathering
  5. Environmental education games and materials
  6. Healing through nature retreats

4. OBJETIVE  Health and safety:  Generate spaces that foment holistic health in body, mind, spirit and relationships of the participants and staff.
  1. Certification of staff
  2. Emergency simulation activities
  3. Maintenance and purchase of emergency equipment
  4. Menus based on needs and according the Shalom principles
  5. Workshops on health and wholeness during retreats and camps.
  6. Health activities in the local mountain community around the Shalom Center

5. OBJETIVE Capacity building:  Train the staff in all of the fundamental areas of the Shalom Center  so that through personal growth and self care, they will have the tools  to build the safe space for transformation and integral development with the participants and groups.
1.    Three all-staff meetings a year
2.    Emergency simulation and spiritual retreat in alternating years.
3.    Annual theme preparation along with educational materials
4.    Training workshops around specific topics (such as abuse prevention)
5.    Training in all of the programs of the Shalom Center according to interests and needs.
6.    International camp gathering  (July 2015, July 2016, January 2017
7.    Certification process for Challenge Course Instructors

6. OBJETIVE International delegations and volunteers: Create a network to promote God´s shalom through international and intercultural gatherings and volunteer opportunities to propitiate the healing of relationships at personal, community and structural levels and the exchange of experiences and new learning.
1.    International delegations
2.    Preparations in local churches to receive delegations
3.    Staff training in international camps and gatherings
4.    Organize international volunteer opportunities

7. OBJETIVE  Art and Creativity:  Spread the institutional image of the Shalom Center in the social networks at the ecclesiastical, national and international level, create promotional materials for the Shalom Center programs and activities, design and produce educational and audio-visual materials, and promote activities that foster peace through diverse artistic expressions.
1.    Create institutional image manual
2.    Create promotional materials
3.    Design webpage and Facebook page
4.    Train staff for communication and public relations
5.    Promote the Shalom Center at all national church activities and in different community activities
6.    Network with other organizations
7.    Workshops at camps and retreats

8. OBJETIVE Administration and organization: Install and maintain a trustworthy, transparent and organized institution at the service of our church and the community in general, delivering clear and reliable information, and contributing to decision making, staff appreciation, future projections.
  1. Audits, cost analysis, review organizational charts, inventory
  2. Accounting plan
  3. Quality plan that includes documentations, systematization and best practices
  4. Annual budgets and reports
  5. Service team
  6. Financial strategy
  7. Follow process to become a non-profit
  8. Evaluations

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

Wendell Berry

....So, friends, every day do something that won't compute.  Love the Lord.  Love the world.  Love someone who does not deserve it.  Ask the questions that have no answers.  Invest in the millennium.  Plant sequoias.  Put your faith in the two inches of humus that will build under the trees every two thousand years.  Laugh.  Laughter is immeasurable.  Be joyful although you have considered all the facts... Practice resurrection.   Wendell Berry

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014


I thank You for most this amazing day
and for the leaping greenly spirits of
trees and a blue true dream of sky; and
for everything which is natural which is
infinite which is yes

(I who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun's birthday; this is the
birth day of life and of love and wings:
and of the gay great happenings
illimitably earth)

How should tasting touching hearing
seeing breathing -- lifted from the no
of all nothing  -- human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?

(Now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)

e.e. cummings

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

Strategic planning

Dear Friends and Family:

This past weekend the staff and board of the Shalom Center met to look at the vision and mission of the Shalom Center, to evaluate the first fourteen years of work, and to begin to create a new strategic plan that will go into effect next year.  As part of the evaluation process, Rodrigo Martinez prepared this video.  I would like to say GRACIAS to each one of you who have made the Shalom Center possible.  This video is dedicated to you!

