Edwin Markham

Outwitted by Edwin Markham
He drew a circle that shut me out -
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout,
But Love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle and took him in!

lunes, 15 de junio de 2020

Morning Prayer

(Place finger tips together, inhale and exhale slowly)
God of life (inhale slowly) and love (exhale slowly) (Repeat 3 times)
   Free my spirit (inhale slowly)
   Root my body (exhale slowly)
   Channel my thoughts (inhale slowly)
   Guide my interactions (exhale slowly)
   Heal my heart (inhale slowly)
   Embrace me in peace (exhale slowly)
So be it.  (open hands palm up)

domingo, 12 de abril de 2020

Hope Returns

Aug. 16 2011
Elena Huegel

Stretched to the breaking point,
my heart screams.
My muscles shiver and twitch
under the strain of holding on
to the bits and pieces
left of what was
but is no longer.

Extinguished into

Match lit

Candle wick

My soul is a solitary cell.
Blind and groping
along the walls to find a warm
breath of hope whispering through
my fingers.

A breach through which
Hope over time becomes a breeze
A wind.
A gale.
Crumbling the prison
one stone at a time
displacing the pain
with light. 

viernes, 10 de abril de 2020


July 9, 2011
Elena Huegel


Emptiness. Inside, outside
               Searching for
Reason, need, hope, way
               Each step leading
To deeper darkness
               draining self
                              to fill
               absence with light
                              chaos with spiral
                                             nothing with being
Pure, unpolluted with
               Modern contaminants
Control, consumerism
               Belly – boton-gazing
Emptiness. Filled
               Inside, outside.

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2020


With everyone locked up at home,
what a wonderful time to connect.
All around the world,
we are living the same, basic 
unifying experience.
We chat about the virus news,
trying to keep our worries at bay,
until we remind eachother,
And switch to family
   and back to virus.
to work
    and back to virus.
to dreams and projects
    and back to virus.
The virus has infected our conversations.

So today I launched my gratitude challenge:
every time the name of the virus 
worms its way into a conversation
I interrupt and ask 
"What are you grateful for?"
or I give thanks to that person for something I appreciate.
My secret plan is for gratitude
to go viral.


domingo, 5 de abril de 2020

Hammock of hands

Jan. 16, 2015

We weave a net with all our hands
To catch hope and let fear escape.
A handy net
                To cradle the world.
Bring your hands:
                Your working hands
                With cracked nails.
                Your folded hands
                Praying at the rail.
                Your grubby hands,
                With sand, shovel and pail.
                Your manicured hands
                With sculpted nails.
Together we weave a hammock of hands
To gently rock the world.

Laughter and babbling brook…
Gather in the net!
Hunger, hate and horror…
Shake, shake, shake them out!
Humming birds and wild flowers…
Gather in the net!
Word-blows and worries…
Shake, shake, shake them out!
Child-play and simple joy…
Gather in the net!
Snake fang and heart pain…
Shake, shake, shake them out!
Bear hugs and skipping rope…
Gather in the net!
Gloating, gossip and ignorance…
Shake, shake, shake them out!

Cradle the world in a

Hammock of interwoven hands.

viernes, 3 de abril de 2020

Control we never had

Control we never had

We work, we play
               We think we have it together
Then one day
               We are forced to let go
                              of the lies and recognize
Life is fragile.
               We gather
Our memories and our hopes,
               in a basket made of grass
               that withers before the future is past.
Then bit by bit
               control slips from our hands
               and we choose to ride
               the wild winds
               or hold fast, fingers clenched
               white lipped, fear hanging
to a tree limb above the cliff.

August 5th, 2011
Elena Huegel