Edwin Markham

Outwitted by Edwin Markham
He drew a circle that shut me out -
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout,
But Love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle and took him in!

domingo, 16 de junio de 2013

My Dad

My father has given me a hope chest full of treasures.  Today, I open that chest to share with you these gifts.

*Faith - My father believes and practices Hebrew 11:1: "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."
*Relationship with God - Having an open, respectful, fun and full of surprises relationship with my earthly father opened the door for me to want to have a relationship with my Heavenly Father.
*The capacity to dream -  One of my father's favorite questions when we were kids was "What would you do if you had a million dollars?"  Until now, I have never had a million dollars, but I have never stopped dreaming!
*Believe in me and believe in others - My dad has always believed in me and my dreams.  He always expects the best of me and encouraged me to give my best.  He has taught me to seek the best in others, even when it isn't apparent.  My dad is the same wherever he is.  He can enter a humble adobe home and be respectful, kind, attentive as well as a palace.  He doesn't chance to impress others; he honors all.
*Love of nature - by my father's hand I learned to pick up trash even though I wasn't the one who dropped it, to breath in deep while walking in the forest, to paddle a canoe, to stop and watch the sunsets.
*Balance between play and work - My dad, over 80 years old, still knows how to play.  He feeds his imagination with toys and books, caring for his spirit, to be able to be creative and energetic when it is time to work.
*Self discipline - my dad gets up early even when he doesn't need to.  He schedules himself.  He makes lists.
*The importance of exercise - I learned to ride a bike and play baseball with my dad.  I remember him doing his exercises in the morning.  I love to go walking with him at sunset.
*Ministry - I will never forget when he said to me: "my ministry to the needs of these people is more important than any theological discussion we could have."  I hope to minister to each person according to their needs and not to theological arguments. My father knows how to walk alongside others at their pace.
*He recognizes his errors and he is not afraid to ask forgiveness.
*Shalom - My father is a person of peace, seeking peace for himself and others.

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